Friday, July 17, 2009

Liberals love being angry


Political cartoonist Tim Kreider admits to sharing a trait with many on the Left. He enjoys being angry, and so his eight years of drawing Bush-hating cartoons and writing Bush-hating essays were a "physical pleasure," regardless of how over the top his work may seem to him in retrospect.

A couple of years ago, while meditating, I learned something kind of embarrassing: anger feels good. Although we may consciously experience it as upsetting, somatically it feels a lot like the first rush of an opiate — a tingling warmth on the insides of your elbows and wrists, in the back of your knees. Realizing that anger was a physical pleasure explained some of the perverse obstinancy with which my mind kept returning to it despite the fact that, intellectually, I knew it was pointless self-torture.

Once I realized I enjoyed anger, I noticed how much time I spent experiencing it. If you’re anything like me, you spend about 87 percent of your mental life winning imaginary arguments that are never actually going to take place.


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