Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Sunday, September 27, 2009

'Obama didn't want you to know how much progress Iran had made'


DID it surprise a single Post reader that Iran's been hiding a big nuclear weapons development facility? It stunned our president when he learned about it months ago. Then he kept it secret from you.

Obama didn't want you to know how much progress Iran had made. It's an embarrassment. (Ralph Peters)


First They Came For ACORN


Hysterical, childish piece by Peter Dreier.


'protecting the progressive movement'


The New York Times' avoidance of stories about Van Jones and Acorn. By the paper's public editor.


Friday, September 4, 2009

Global Warming Causes Arson


A wildfire in the foothills north of Los Angeles that has claimed the lives of two firefighters, ravaged more than 250 square miles and destroyed more than 60 homes was caused by arson, the federal Forest Service said.

But according to Democrat Congresswoman Linda Chavez the fires were caused by global warming:

“I think that also is a signal that our weather patterns are changing and I think that that is further evidence that, you know global warming and the need to do something about it is going to affect us sooner rather than later and I can’t think of a better example than the fact that we’ve had now these habitual wildfires just about every year,” Sanchez said.

So was it arson or global warming? Or maybe both? Perhaps the global warming cooked the brain functions of an otherwise law-abiding citizen and turned him into an arsonist?

There have always been fires in Southern California around this time of year. The answer is controlled burns to limit the amount of brush for the fire to burn.


Monday, August 31, 2009

Butcher of Wasilla


The earliest and most susceptible (most ignorant?) victims of Sarah Palin Derangement Syndrome (SPDS) originally fell ill and were found mumbling to themselves at the news Palin supported shooting predatory wolfs from helicopters. Never mind that more than ONE MILLION wild animals are killed in this country every year.


Iraq: Good news, bad news


Seven US military deaths in Iraq this month, eight last month. But horrible bomb attacks against civilians in Baghdad in the wake of the hasty American withdrawal.
